United Lisbon International School
Model United Nations Club

MUN By Yanik Penneveyre and Margarida Guimarães

Last week, the Model United Nations club had the pleasure of getting together and participating in its first ever (virtual) MUN conference (IMUN), hosted by CAISL, another of Lisbon’s international schools. The conference was hosted over two days, Friday, November 12th and Saturday 13th. More than 200 students from schools in more than 9 countries participated, mostly from the Iberian Peninsula as it is the Iberian MUN.

However, since this type of conference was new to most of us, the 1st day was more about learning how it works. Each person is given a country and 4 different prompts from where they do research to be fully prepared for the intricate debate that will happen. Representatives then debate, submit resolutions, and discuss amendments, which are a change to a resolution proposed by a delegate. While at first all the awfully specific vocabulary and parliamentary manner that was needed was very overwhelming, by the 2nd day we had gotten the hang of it and were able to participate more fully in discussions and accurately give our country’s point of view.

In our personal experiences, MUN is quite a bit of work, but it’s worth as we had an enjoyable and interesting time over those two days. The people were nice, interesting and helpful and created an overall great enjoyable experience.